Making wise subject choices in Grade 9
What is the big deal about making wise subject choices in Grade 9?
Thinking about your career choices and what to study after matric may seem far in the future for you in Grade 9. However, what subjects you choose in Grade 9 for your last phase of high school (i.e., Grades 10 to 12) will open up some study options for you and close down others even with good matric results.
Hence it is important in Grade 9 to give attention to aligning your subject choices you are required to make for Grades 10-12 with your intended studies and career goal after matric.
Thabo, for example, may have intentions to become an architect, but if he does not have matric maths he will not be considered for the B. Arch. degree or his second choice in engineering. He could pursue studies in drawings and designing at a college or university of technology with a good pass in Math Literacy but he may become frustrated in not being allowed to follow his first career goal.
Be wise like Thabo and think about your future career plans by considering:
1) What degree course is needed for your intended career after matric?
2) What are the subject requirements needed for your intended university degree course?
3) What matric marks and standard or higher grade requirements are needed in the required subjects?
Maria will have to work hard to get a good matric pass to be able to apply to follow her career ambition to become
a lawyer. While there are no subject requirements for admission to the legal profession, Maria will be competing with
many other matriculants for the limited places in the legal course. Universities are likely to choose applicants with the better matric results (i.e., those who passed their subjects well on the higher grade). So Maria will plan to do most of her matric subjects at higher grade.
As choosing your subjects depends on what choices are available at your school, please read through the next section
carefully and consult your LO teacher.
Possible Subject Choices in Grade 10
The four compulsory subjects that you must take:
1st language | 2nd language | Mathematics/Maths | Literacy Life Orientation |
Possible optional subjects:
Life Science | Physical Science | Economics |
Consumer Study | Geography | CAT |
Business Studies | History | Accounting |
Considering specific subject choices:
Ask your LO teacher for the specific subject choices available at your school.
Carefully do research on the websites of universities and colleges and see:
• Which matric subjects are required for my intended degree or diploma course or career?
• What other requirements are needed?
See the important link between school subjects, university courses and related careers in the resources below.
Subject Choice and Career Advice Booklets:

Subject choices for study at Stellenbosch University ( Grade 9 ):
The information in the table below will give you general guidelines of what the school subject requirements are for
admission to degree courses at Stellenbosch University. Admission requirements may differ between universities, hence it is essential for you check out the requirements at the university you may apply to after matric.
MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES | Medical doctor; dietician; physiotherapist; occupational therapist; speech-language therapist. | Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences |
AGRISCIENCES | Forest manager; food scientist; careers in animal and crop production; conservation ecologist; agricultural economist; winemaker; cellar manager; agronomist; careers in agritourism; general farming; consultant; teacher | Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences |
ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES | Human Resource Manager, sport scientist; information specialist; politician; psychologist; social worker; actor; theatre scientist; graphic designer; artist; civil servant; language practitioner; musician; journalist (postgraduate programme); project planner; teacher. | Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy (depends on choice of programme) |
ECONOMIC & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES | Chartered accountant; management accountant; financial accountant; actuary; economist; entrepreneur; investment manager; financial manager; marketing manager; human resource manager; logistics manager; risk manager; computer scientist (IT); Industrial psychologist; teacher | Mathematics, Afrikaans or English |
EDUCATION | Teacher: foundation, intermediate or senior phase (R to 9); educational psychologist (to become a high-school teacher, you must first obtain a B degree with the subject(s) that you would like to teach and then the Postgraduate Certificate in Education(PGCE)). | Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy |
ENGINEERING | Chemical, civil, electric and electronic, mechanical, mechatronic, or industrial engineer. | Mathematics and Physical Sciences |
LAW | Advocate; lawyer; legal advisor. | Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy (depends on choice of programme) |
SCIENCE | Ecologist; physiologist; biochemist; microbiologist; biokenetics; sport scientist; psychologist; physicist; geologist; GIS specialist; teacher; computer scientist (IT); mathematical statistician | Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Life Sciences strongly recommended if you wish to study a programme in Biological Sciences. |
THEOLOGY | Minister of religion; pastor; youth worker; pastoral therapist; careers in community development. | Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy |
Stellenbosch University – Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes 2021: